Friday, June 3, 2016


All humanity  it's a little bit egoist some are much and some little. What I mean with egoism?, egoism it's when some people like Donald Trump who has born rich and is still rich ,he want  to be more powerful and earn more money but for what ? We all know one day we will die, all us the the same end. Why he and other like him want more money for what for fame. In hell the fam and money. Money can't fix any problem in the life but they are lifechanger. So in Africa are million of people died from war, people who need water and food. Why he don't go and help them or other like him why? Islamic state now it's a big danger for All Europe. They are killing many innocent children they are slaving many woman and child. Why the powerful people don't stop them ? To be famous need to help all people  who need help. Helping with money, work,knowledge, building home and give them education  this can make you more famous and more powerful  and lovely for all humanity. If you have chains to help Help helping make you feel better

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Citizen  of Syria have more than one year  escape from war in they land . And now in search for new home and new life they are more than one million people around  Europe. Some are in Greece some in Macedonia some in Kosovo some in Serbia and now they want to enter in Albania and from Albania in Italy to the final destination Germany.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Wide world now is focused on Russia-Turkey incident .Turkey and Russia have a long friendly history, now are  in a critical moment .Europe has done some statements regarding the incident occurred in Turkey after the collapse of the Russian jet.But how safe is the world's peace?The Europe stated that the two countries should find common ground in solving this problem peacefully.Could this clash be a reason for the start of WWIII? 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


In World are many countries who have the minimal acts of corruption like the state of Scandinavia ,Canada. And some other like Egypt,Libya,Niger, Algeria and many others have the maximal level of corruption . The benefits for don't have corruption, is having a functional state having a job, live and let other to live . In state who is corrupted like Nigeria , Egypt.... we see people die day by day killed by terrorist and who don't like the way how the state diced for his life ,be killed by state , no rights for nothing . So ,when a state is corrupted it is easy to understand it ,all things go wrong . We need to protect our rights ,Human rights . All we are the same stop story of "king and queen" our words and rights need to be considered . SAY NO TO CORRUPTION 

"Red show the state with high level of corruption ".

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Save Greece

Now Greece is in the most critical economic moments . All banks are closed and people are out to protest for they  rights . Is the government's fault for all this caos and Europe Union need to help the citizens of Greece make a change of government and helping the people . Alexis Tsipras primer of Greece and his government need to leave the parliament for new government.